December 12, 2017

Eduardo Quintana brings a famous Richard Williams drawing to life in ‘UNPLUG!’

Eduardo Quintana is currently animating on Sergio Pablos’ forthcoming feature, Klaus, at SPA Studios. In his spare time he created this personal test to pay tribute to master Animator, Richard Williams.

From Eduardo:
"UNPLUG!" is the first lesson in Richard Williams’ book: "The Animator's Survival Kit". Richard added some drawings to the lesson, illustrating what happened one day he went to see Milt Kahl.

I've always found those drawings very inspiring and the story was just screaming to be animated. The audio is taken from a Richard Williams’ masterclass video where, luckily for me, he re-enacted the story!.

PS: I did not listen to music while doing this.
Well... just a tiny bit.

Richard Williams Remembers Milt Kahl and "The Jungle Book"...

'TImber' by Nils Hedinger

A group of logs is about to freeze to death in a cold, icy desert. When they realize that the only fuel for a warming fire is their own body, things start heating up.

'Rooms' by Andrew D. Zimbelman

Brooklyn-based filmmaker Andrew D. Zimbelman’s lovely animation of a poem by Billy Collins. Collins’ ability to blend of humour with dark rumination resonated with Zimbelman since he first discovered the former U.S. poet laureate’s work, especially due to some personal struggles with anxiety. After a chance encounter at JFK Airport, Collins not only gave Zimbelman his blessing but has since expressed his praise for the project: “I admit I had my doubts, but you have done it, lad. Brilliant!”

Zimbelman approached “Rooms” with the hope that people will find something they can relate to or, at the very least, gain a better understanding of the speaker of Collins’ poem. As he shared with us:
“I moved away from showing the narrator much at all, instead his presence is felt in each room. This allows space for the viewer to walk in his shoes, cast his shadow, and think his thoughts.”