March 31, 2006

Johnny is a go!

Well, it's confirmed, we got the Warner Bros. project.
So over the course of the next 5 months we will be starting on two new productions, both Season-two re-newals. We'll be hiring back as many of the old veteran crew as we can plus a whole new crop of freshmen, totaling 95 artists and animators. I've got my work cut out for me when I come back on the 10th and start organizing the ramp up of two big series at once. I can't wait, the work is flowing in once again! Click on the image above to view sample art.


  1. Awesome!
    Have fun in Cuba, you guys!

  2. Johnny Test looks way cool ^_^

  3. Cool...congrats on the Johnny Test show, Ron. Looks like you guys are gonna have a lot of fun ahead of you.

  4. congrats on the wb show ron! and cool blog, thanks for the link, i'll do the same for you if its ok.

  5. i rilly, rilly missed ursula and her beautyful baby blue sweater. mmmmmm... don't get me started on those julius sans shirt scenes!
    -P Guindon

  6. congrats ron! i checked out johnny test and people seem to love it, so it only makes sense that collideascope should handle it.

  7. Here's hoping that you had a BLAST in Cuba! Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you Ron! Kick ass - as usual! Happy to hear that there is lots of work for the studio... Great news!


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