July 07, 2006

Work On You

Here it is! The MSTRKRFT music video!

Finally online for all to see!
It took 10 weeks to produce from concept to completion!
100% Flash! We had a blast working on it,
hope you enjoy it.

The hi-res version: 640 The lo-res version: 320

Also recently featured on Cold Hard Flash.

Now broadcasted here on: Much Music
both online and on television!

Director: Mike White
Co-Director: Derek Jessome
Designs: Derek Jessome, Jeff Knott, Chad Boutilier
Storyboards/Layouts: Derek Jessome, Jeff Knott, Mike White
Backgrounds: David Sourwine
Story: JFK/ALP
Creative Consultant/FX Supervisor: Ron Doucet
Animators: Jacques Daigle, Adam Gunn, Rachel Morrison,
Bianca Siercke, Dave Thomson
Clean-Up Artists: Chad Boutilier, Ian Gallant, Andre Morrison,
Ranada Nickerson, Marc Robichaud
FX Animators: Jake Macher, Sean Garnier
Post Production: Jacques Daigle, Peter Giffen
Documentary By: Cory Laffin


  1. I like your backdrop... couldn't resist eh? :D

  2. This is the best video..... ever!

  3. Hmmm...I thought this wasn't supposed to be online? Mike specifically said we couldn't upload it to the net.....

  4. wow
    that was really super incredible!!!

  5. They finally released the video for broadcast a few days ago, so now we can share it with everyone, it's great, I thought we would have to wait months.

  6. Yeah, I thought so too. That's cool. :)

  7. this is friggin' amazing!!! you guys did such an awesome job!!

  8. beautiful work, It's gonna do killer.

  9. Great work! You guys really made a great video. I'm sure its going to be a hit. Great job capturing the old school 80's style.

  10. wow,, great job guys!
    only 10 weeks too. really amazing designs. keep it up!

  11. I have to say this is the best video coming out of Canada in the past 10 years, easy. I'm speechless.

    Amazing work.

  12. JIM! Do you have a website or blog?

  13. Hey homie. I'm actually building one right now at my Signalnoise domain. You guys are making great use of the blogs, and I want to be cool too. Hopefully it will be running by the weekend.

  14. Way to go! Awesome video - great work guys! You ROCK... out loud! I've watched it a couple times now - Love it!

  15. hey, it's featured on
    don't forget to request the video from much.

  16. Whoa! You got the the whole look and feel down pat. Sweet.


  17. Thanks everyone.
    We had lots of fun producing it, it was a short but sweet experience, total creative freedom is a very rare and exciting opportunity in this industry. We found ourselves very lucky to be working on such cool little project.

    Sorry I haven't updated the 'ol blog recently, we've started WB's Johnny Test last week so I'm very busy coordinating the chaos of the backgrounds and animation of this series. When I get a chance I'll be posting new stuff of the coolest and funniest things from the webernet.

  18. Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

  19. Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.


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