December 28, 2006

Movie News

First Peek at Silver Surfer


From USA Today comes the first look at the Silver Surfer in the new Fantastic Four. His smooth head and concerned eyes make him reminiscent of a young, silver Montel Williams, but only the real Montel is naive enough to believe in psychic Sylvia Browne so strongly as to bring her in every Wednesday (and sometimes Fridays, during the summer).

For those unfamiliar with the comic, Silver Surfer is an intergalactic herald to the powerful Galactus, devourer of worlds. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, he was based on the misjudged timeless popularity of surfing in the '60s, similar to the later creations of Golden Rollerbladeer and Captain Segwayer.

See the trailer here.

Grindhouse Teaser


The teaser trailer for the Robert Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino double-feature Grindhouse is on Yahoo! Movies. With this, 300, and Spidey, it's gonna be a great summer for movies.

Optimus Prime is Covergirl


Aware that many fans are upset by the Transformer redesign, they've decided to put Optimus Prime in the dark for the cover of Empire Magazine. I find the lack of lens flares disheartening.

Tons of Turtles Stills


There are plenty of high-resolution stills from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie over here, including the above shot of Splinter's keepsake room, revealing a very famous piece of headgear from his past. Resting on the glass case, a Robin Hood hat reminds us of Splinter's experimental trysts with Errol Flynn.

1 comment:

  1. Free movies on los movies very good! With Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War of the same screen of the Guardians of the Galaxy (Vệ Binh), không thể yên tĩnh mà phải ra rạp ngay để thưởng thức. In a tweet line posted on the 27/5, James Gunn was hào hứng to share the last edition with Deadpool 2 and Revenge of Revenge.

    While while Deadpool Floating the Weapon of the lunk of the vũ trụ, trong Marvel's Marvel, nhóm Guardians of the Galaxy cũng được biết đến như the discussion names, theft cart và such the discipline quy củ. Unknown if the current export in a movie, the bogers has no function to the size here.

    With Disney will be complete with Fox in the time to this time, this this is complete the complete. However will be lost time for Disney / Marvel standard for the screen of Deadpool and X-Force in the cylinder body, that is not even up plan and sorting the physical system for the witch .

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