July 22, 2011

The Art of Studio Ghibli - Part 2

Grave of the Fireflies - Backgrounds and Story Sketches:

Howl's Moving Castle - Backgrounds and Story Sketches:

Iblard Jikan- Inoue Naohisa's Paintings:

Various Promotional Art Pieces


  1. WoW!!
    Absolutely Heavenly post! Thanks!

  2. Amazing. Those paintings by Inoue Naohisa... I can't even describe. Thanks for posting these!!

  3. guh Grave of the Fireflies destroyed me!

  4. There's a picture in the last part of Howl's Moving Castle where there's two characters, one blonde guy and red ginger haired girl. Just a quick question: is that sketch a part of Ghibli's plan on Howl's Moving Castle? I just wanted to know why Sophie(movie) had a brown hair instead of a red one. :|


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