May 30, 2012

"DIY UR CHINTAI" by Trunk Animation

Trunk Animation has just finished a new promo spot for Japanese property company Urban Renaissance. 

Working through IMPC Japan, Trunk’s brief was to show the creative process of turning a standard empty apartment into a cosy attractive home. This was to promote Urban Renaissance’s unique letting project, DIY Rental Apartments, in which new tenants can decorate their apartments in exchange for 3 months free rent.

Trunk’s Layla Atkinson and Rok Predin came up with the concept of creating a 3D apartment that is decorated as the camera pans around the living space. Before our eyes we see the decisions made by the tenants as they run through an eclectic mix of ideas to create a warm and welcoming home. Rough sketches of furniture turn into collages of photos taken from magazines and catalogues before the final piece is chosen and placed. 

Similarly walls are painted, wallpapers are chosen, rugs are laid, pictures are put up and accessories and incidentals are selected. Using this mixture of drawings, photographs and collage effects Trunk’s vibrant animation captures the wonderful and exciting process of a young couple decorating their new home. It perfectly captures Urban Renaissances desire for a promo spot that as Abe Masayuki from IMPC says “is fun and delightful to the viewers”.
The spot was animated and directed by Layla Atkinson and Rok Predin. Music was commissioned from Daniel Pemperton and the producer was Richard Barnett. The 3D apartment was created using Cinema 4D and the beautiful look and over all feel of the spot was created using after effects.

See more of their work here.

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