May 08, 2023

Hugo's Mind Palace


Written, Storyboarded, Edited, Animated & Created by Alistair Boubli

Voice Actors:
Tom Rainn as Hugo - @tom_rainn
Kat Grannis as Sam - @kat.grannis
Reiliyana Kallisti as George - @reikallisti
Fraser Henderson as Daryl & Tim - @fraserhendersonvo
Sopa as Lloyd (void being) - @sopasopa

Additional Voices:
Alistair Boubli - Wizard
Alexander Smith - Wishing Relic
Reiliyana Kallisti Wishing - Relic Demons
Kat Grannis - The Iris Queen

Additional Animators:
Macey J. Smalley - @maceyjsmalley
Cameron Grant (Stop Motion) - @cgrantanimation
Corin Astles (CG) - @corincreations

Background Artists:
Alistair Boubli
Judah Esquivel - @judah20510
Macey J. Smalley
Alexandre Pearcy - @xandrepearcy
Ché Dedames - @chededames
Ava Groves Webster - @peachy.doodle

Music by:
Joseph Fresi - @joefresi
Dylan Wesch - @dylanwesch
Hugo's Mind Palace main theme composed by Joseph Fresi

Sound by:
Alistair Boubli
Dimensional Zipper sound by Noab
Hugo's Mind Palace is a fun, exciting, emotional sci-fi story that doesn't get bogged down with the science part, it's a story about feelings, thoughts, love and life shown through the lens of the mind bending misadventures of three interdimensional misfits.
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