In case you weren’t aware of it, Matthew has been blogging for the past couple of months, over here. Definitely worth checking out if you’re interested in process and pretty pictures and all that other good stuff.
-New Ojingogo print collection-
Matt Forsythe is now selling the second print collection of his Ojingogo comics online! He’s also reprinted the first book of this (twice) Eisner nominated comic, so if you missed out on picking one up the first time, now’s your chance. The quality of these books is outstanding, so you definitely know you’ll be getting your money’s worth (plus, he’s throwing in free sketches for all orders). Swing by his shop page to order the books, or read it all online.
Chris Butcher hooks us up with the full lineup of creators who are featured in the book. Included is new full-colour work by R. Stevens (Diesel Sweeties), Ryan North (Dinosaur Comics), Bryan Lee O’Malley (Scott Pilgrim), Kean Soo (Jellaby), Hope Larson, myself, and many others.
I just saw a proof of the finished book, and it’s a beauty. It’s a darn near perfect group of artists to get new readers excited about comics, and it’s FREE!
If you don't get Spike TV, check out the show here.
The DVD came out a month ago I believe.
The comic book series focuses on Billy Batson, a teenager who becomes the superhero known as Captain Marvel when he utters the magic word "Shazam!" The name is an acronym for six gods and heroes of the ancient world as well as their attributes: the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Aries, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles and the speed of Mercury.I think they might be wasting their money writing an entirely new script for this tale of teenage transformation. They've already got Teen Wolf, so why not just change the wolf parts into Captain Marvel parts and call it a day? For instance, any instances of Teen Wolf howling are rewritten as "says Shazam!" Playing basketball as a wolf would be rewritten to say, "plays basketball as Captain Marvel." It seems pretty straightforward to me.