Grindhouse Posters: With Amputees!

I can't wait for this Quentin Tarantino & Robert Rodriguez
Double Feature!
Iron Man to Fight Mandarin, Possibly While Resembling This
Also the villain of the film is going to be Mandarin. You know, the Chinese guy with all the magic rings.
Deadman Coming to Theatres
Hot news, fans of comic book heroes! Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro is in negotiations to act as producer in bringing the DC comic Deadman to the screen. If you don't know the character:
Deadman is the ghost of a circus acrobat named Boston Brand, who was murdered during a trapeze performance. His spirit was granted the power by a Hindu goddess to possess any living being in order to find his killer. In the ensuing search, Brand finds himself obliged to help others.I think the only way they're making this one work is if they get a big name or an actual dead man, both of which can be found in Keith Richards. How about it, buddy?
Deliver Us From Evil Finds Distribution
If the Catholic church hated The Da Vinci Code, wait until they see this one. Lionsgate announced they will distribute Deliver Us From Evil, a documentary about a serial raping pedophile priest:Lionsgate announced today it has acquired domestic distribution rights to Deliver Us From Evil, a documentary about a pedophile Catholic priest whose serial rapes were known to, and concealed by, the American Church for over 30 years.I hope this one does well. Not so much because I care about exposing corruption in the Catholic church, but because I'd like to see it remade as a comedy with Will Ferrell. I think he could bring a lot of laughter to serial raping pedophilia.
o.0 <-- my face after reading about the serial raping pedophlie priest and the fact that it was hidden by the church...why am I not surprised?
Man, Grindhouse looks awesome. Love how they are so faithfully doing throwbacks to the 70s. Good stuff.
I never really liked Ironman all that much, Stark, that drunken bum. But that poster looks pretty sweet.
whats not to like? palm repulsor blasts,a kick ass mustache, shrapnel next to his heart, a brilliant mind(he doesn't need morgan freeman in his basement), and he's so rich bruce wayne looks poor. Plus they can use sabbath for the trailer.DUNH DUN DUNDDA DUNH! knock this outta the park, favs.(btw, Im talking about iron man, not the pederass.)
iron man?!? oh jeez, marvel has resorted to secondary heroes after exhausting spidey, ff and x-men. whats next, a sequel to howard the duck? lets hope so.
-peter g
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